Yoshi Wiki
200px-Big Beanie Artwork - Yoshi's New Island
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Blue Yoshi Vs Big Beanie

Big Beanie is a Beanie that has been enlarged by Kamek's magic. He is in World 1-8, serving as the boss. Big Beanie attacks by spitting out normal Beanies from his mouth, which can provide Yoshi with some eggs. When he is hit, Big Beanie turns red, and an indestructible spiked beanstalk grows that prevents Yoshi from damaging him, and grows more spiked beanstalks from below that hurt Yoshi upon contact. Eventually, Big Beanie turns green again and the spiked beanstalk retracts back through the clouds and is replaced with a normal beanstalk that shares the same function of protecting him; however, it can be destroyed by eggs, which allows Yoshi to hit him again. Upon turning green after being hit a second time, two normal beanstalks as opposed to just one are raised to protect Big Beanie, and he is then defeated if the player repeats this process again. He is the big boss of the bean family.
